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Welcome to the Skunk Rock™ music education program for Flagstaff elementary kids!

Be in a rock band! Learn to play instruments. Perform in a concert. Write original music. Listen to great songs. Work with talented mentors. Build friendships. Compose melodies. Write lyrics.

“…for music alone can abolish differences of language or culture between two people and invoke something indestructible within them.” – Irene Nemirovsky

More about the program HERE


Valerie has an amazing energy and we absolutely adore her! She makes learning music so fun and exciting for the kids. My son Keno calls Tuesdays his “special day” because he gets to go to Skunk Rock. He looks forward to it every week. At his first performance we were blown away, he had learned so much in such a short amount of time. We love to see his progress on the drums and look forward to many more sessions of Skunk Rock in his future!”  Keno’s mom Crista

About me

My name is Valerie Devoy and this is my 9th session offering the Skunk Rock program. The first session started August 9th, 2021. Every session since has been an amazing and enriching adventure. Your children are precious! Skunk Rock has filled my heart with joy and hope; I am endlessly grateful for your support and enthusiasm.