The BEATLES!!! Who are they? What do you know about them?
Cubbies have moved to outside and so has the craft table.
We’re working on a sorting project so please don’t touch anything that is behind the big brown table.
When you are finished with your craft put it in your cubby. Over the weekend I will go through all the cubbies and give you Skunk Bucks based on your effort and creativity!
Next week we have our mall performance.
The week after we will have Skunk Mart.
Remember to ask them if you need any help. Such as if you can’t find something, if you see dog poop that needs to be picked up, if you want to use the glue gun, if you need a bandaid, etc. . .
Do not bother Val or Caleb while they are rehearsing the music (unless it’s an emergency!)
You are kind and considerate to your fellow Skunkers.
If you are having a conflict talk together and come up with something that makes sense to everyone.
Be helpful to others, be respectful to the things others create and have fun playing and getting to know each other.
Be respectful to the Skunk Rock house and crafting supplies.
Do not use too much glue, too many straws, rubber bands, paint or anything else we put out there for you. Respect all the supplies so they will last us a long time.
Have you seen the teal paint on the planter and light.
This is a good example of what not to do. We understand that accidents happen but please respect that this is our house and we all need to take care of it.
Put caps back on markers and glue sticks.
Use the trash can
Ellie’s room, John’s room, trampoline and shed.
When your band is called …hustle to the practice room!